Sunday, November 27, 2011

Ukrainian Words to live by.

1.  A crow will never be a falcon.

2.  A friendly word is better than a heavy cake.

3. A hungry wolf is stronger than a satisfied dog.

4.  A woman is not a harmonica that you put aside when you have used it.

5.  A woman's beauty cannot warm a winter's night.

6.  Black souls wear white shirts.

7.  Borrowed bread lies heavy on the stomach.

8. Deficiencies come by the kilo and go by the gram.

9. Drink a glass of wine after your soup and you will be stealing a ruble from the doctor.

10.  Drunkards know no danger.

Sound Changes

Link to the speech accent archive's Ukrainian Page. They have several sound samples that are also transcribed

I've been comparing the Spokane speaker's sound sample to the Ukraine sound samples to try and find the sound changes

This is a news clip form Ukraine. It might help in understanding the accent to hear them speaking in their own language.

I cannot tell if she's speaking in English or Ukrainian. 

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Eugene Hutz

This first post will be entirely dedicated to one of my favorite musical artists. Because I do what I want.
There's a good clip around 3:00